Best 20 short moral stories for students in English 2020
Best 20 short moral stories for students 2020 in English Hey guys, welcome to our website moral stories in English so today I am going to show you Best 20 short moral stories for students in English 2020 which are helpful to find a great way for you I hope will enjoy till end these moral stories . True Friends In a battle, a soldier prepared to bring this wounded friend back from the field. His captian said, Best 20 moral stories for students in English 'Its of No use! ur friend must be dead'. But soldier still goes & brings back his friend. Seeing the dead body, Captain says 'I told u its of no worth. He's dead'. The soldier replies with moist eyes: 'No sir, it was really of worth..... .( Short moral stories for students) When i got to him, my friend saw me, smiled & said his last words: 'I KNEW YOU WOULD COME'...... Rare, Precious, Trustworthy, True, Strong friends.... are always there when you need...